Fritz, LA, California, USA
Fritz, 39 an MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor and the owner of SoCal Fight Factory in Palmdale, California believes that hardwork is the key to reach anybody's goal in life. Check out his advice on how to reach the top.

What do you enjoy best in the country you're in? Any recommendations for travelers going to your new country?
"I moved here in 2008. What I enjoy best in this country is that with hard work, I have the opportunity reach the highest level in my field because I am amongst people who have already reached the top. There's so much opportunity and if you work hard, your dreams and goals can be attained." "For people that want to vacation here, this is the entertainment capital of the world! There is so much to do and see. Plan your itinerary well so you make the most of your time. For people that are thinking of moving here to chase your dreams, prepare to work very hard and take a lot of pain and punishment. Success is a long uphill battle but with hard work and dedication and perseverance, you will one day reach the top."