Lexie Puzon

Ariana Alexis Macalino Puzon, but you can call me Lexie
21 years old
Star Sign:
Hails from:
Manila, Philippines
Blogs about:
Fashion and Lifestyle
Things you do in your free time:
Besides blogging, taking photos and hanging out with friends.
What are your pet peeves?
Wasting food & not getting it on a SALE price.
Top 3 things on your Bucket list?
Go to Hawaii and go sky diving and see the Northern lights.
People you admire?
My sister, Isa Puzon.
Best advice you've ever been given?
Life begins outside your comfort zone and you'll never know if you don't try.
One thing that people don't know about you?
I secretly want to be a rapper.
Coffee or Tea?
My one true regret is....
Not getting my eyebrows fixed when I was younger.
Your No.1 Karaoke song?
"Build me up Buttercup" by The Foundation
Top 3 things you'd bring if you were to get stuck on an island?
Bikini, Sunblock and my Phone.
What makes you happy?
Being in transit, either on a plane, boat or car.