Apa Azores & Tob Castañeda

Tob and Apa of The Lost Kids PH
Apa Azores Tob Castañeda
Apa: 23
Tob: 25
Star Sign:
Apa: Sagittarius Tob: Aquarius
Hails From:
Apa:Parañaque City, Philippines Tob: Taguig City, Philippines
Things you do in your free time:
Apa: Blogging and finding a way to get out of the city Tob: Travel and look for new adventures
What are your Pet peeves?
Apa: People who cut in line. Tob: Reckless drivers.
Top 3 things on your Bucket list?
Apa: Traveling to Iceland, Bagan and any country in South America Tob: Brazil, Rome and Iceland for the northern lights
People you admire?
Apa: Moana, if she doesn't count, Ellen DeGeneres. Tob: My parents!
Best advice you've ever been given?
Apa: Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. Tob: This too shall pass
One thing that people don't know about you?
Apa:I don't like sweets but I love ice cream. Tob: I hate kakanin!
Coffee or Tea?
Apa: Definitely tea! Tob: Coffee everyday
My one true regret is...
Apa: Blogging earlier. Tob: None, things happen for a reason.
Your No.1 Karaoke song?
Apa: Ordinary People, John Legend Tob: It's My Life, Bon Jovi
Top 3 things you'd bring if you were to get stuck on an island?
Apa: Knife, Satellite Phone and Jeff Probst (hoping my experience can land me a spot on Survivor) Tob: Knife, Match and Tarpaulin
What makes you happy?
Apa: Traveling/discovering new places with the people you love and eating Tob: Exploring new places