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Our little bundles of fur love

Pets are believed to shoo away bad spirits and take away negative energy, that's why everytime I'm alone in the house I don't get scared as long as the cats are with me. Since I was a kid, pets have been a staple in our household and I just can't imagine my life living without a pet. The joy you get when you see those tails up when they see you, the sound of their "Where have you been" purr (Even if you were just away for 2 hours) and the unconditional happiness you get by just seeing them is just some of the many reasons it is recommended to get a pet. One of the most "Purr-fect" loves i know.

Sharing with you some pictures of our furry guardian angels.

Photos property of Lívph


Love, Have Fun &
Be Kind
Available Shopee livph.jpg




You, Me,


Nourish Your


Because Pets are Family
Whoever, Wherever, Whatever

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 Lív © 2024

This site is dedicated to the Most High, our God Almighty. 

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
his love endures forever."

Psalm 118


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